My Skincare routine & love of Paula's Choice products

For years I like many women have been looking for the best possible skincare brand for my skin type and remained loyal to Dermalogica for over 7 years only to disappointed with the lack of results, but do you think that stopped me from buying the stuff? No. I continued to believe that it did the job and couldn’t be bothered researching thanks to the overwhelming endless amount of information that is available & a very convincing beauty therapist...That was of course until i found out about Paula Begoun. If you haven’t yet heard of her book "Don’t go to the cosmetic counter without me" you must not have ever watched Oprah because she is one of the few woman in the world lifting the lid on the multi-billion dollar industry.

I wont go into her book entirely because this post is more about one discovery in paticular which has completely transformed my skin but it is thanks to this book, so do yourself a favor and buy it here it can't do you any harm to read up about all the nasty things that you are putting on your face and learn about what is the right skincare program for you.
Now back to BHA & AHA.
If you are serious about getting results add an AHA or BHA To Your Skin-Care Routine!
It looks like many cosmetic companies are finally recognizing what Paula has been preaching since she started Paula's Choice in 1995, adding AHAs and BHA to your skin-care routine is the secret to gorgeous skin!
Research has made it abundantly clear that exfoliating is critical for instant and continued remarkable results within any skin-care routine, and the best way to do this is with alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) such as glycolic acid or lactic acid and beta hydroxy acid (BHA) which is salicylic acid.
Acne-prone skin and sun-damaged skin produces abnormal cells that build up on the skin's surface because they don't shed as they should. This thickened outer layer creates a rough, dull appearance and keeps beneficial skin-care ingredients from absorbing for maximum benefit. When skin gets help exfoliating on a daily basis, practically overnight skin becomes smoother, it produces more collagen, skin tone improves, clogged pores practically go away, and breakouts are significantly reduced. What's not to like about those benefits? 
Even though AHAs and BHA have been around for more than 50 years in mostly dermatologic formulations, Paula's Choice is the only skin-care brand in the world with 9 BHA products and 5 AHA products in various textures and concentrations. Paula created AHAs and BHA in different forms to give women with different skin types and concerns the best options.
Many lines, including big brands such as Avon and Mary Kay, launched AHA products in the early '90s, but they were discontinued shortly after. Part of the reason AHAs fell out of favor is that the word “acid” is just scary. It's hard to explain to a woman why an acid is as good for skin as green tea or vitamin C. Also, AHAs and BHA are hard to work with in a formulation. For efficacy, AHAs and BHA require a pH of 3 to 4 and a lot of anti-irritants to maximize results, making stability an issue.
Another problem is how skin reacts to these kinds of products. “Because you are actually changing skin, it can be more sensitive to what other ingredients are in the product itself or the other skin-care products that consumers use.” That makes typical ingredients found in most every cosmetic line such as fragrance (both synthetic and natural), coloring agents, and irritating plant extracts an even bigger problem for skin than they normally would cause.
From the beginning, Paula's Choice has been one of the only product lines to exclude all forms of fragrance, artificial coloring agents, irritating plant extracts and fragrant oils, which is probably why Paula's AHA and BHA products are best sellers and customer favorites year after year!
I have personally been using Paula Begoun's own range Paula's Choice for a few weeks and have noticed a huge difference in my otherwise combination, pigmented and acne prone skin. My skin has never felt better!
If you want to order some free samples from Paula's Choice Australia click here I'm sure they will be more than happy!
If you have experienced BHA and AHA in your skin care  routine i would love to hear from you!
(Sources: Experimental Dermatology, April 2003, (Supplemental), pages 57-63 and Dermatologic Surgery, May 2001, page 429.)
(Sources: Archives of Dermatologic Research, June 1997, pages 404–409; Dermatologic Surgery, May 1998, pages 573–577).

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